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Return Policy

Please that note all sales are final. Should your package arrived damaged, please contact us within 2 business days of receiving your package at with images of the damaged package.

Shipping/Delivery Policy

We have various Shipping/Delivery Options Please read below:

In-Store Pick Up:

2453 Gilbert Ave Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 12PM-5PM.Please note you will get email confirmation that states your order is available for pick-up.

USPS Mail Delivery- Most items can be shipped by mail unless otherwise noted in the description. Please ensure that your shipping address is correct we are not responsible for packages shipped to an incorrect address.

If you incorrectly select in-store pick-up and you want your item shipped you must send $10.00 via PayPal and send proof of payment to

Subscription Box FAQ

Coming Soon

Candle Care and Safety

To ensure safe use of this candle, please follow these guidelines:

1. Burn Within Sight: Never leave a burning candle unattended. Always extinguish the flame when leaving a room.

2. Keep Away from Flammable Items: Ensure the candle is placed away from anything that can catch fire, such as curtains, books, and furniture.

3. Keep Out of Reach of Children and Pets: Ensure that candles are placed on stable surfaces and are not accessible to children or pets.

4. Trim the Wick: Before lighting, trim the wick to 1/4 inch (6 mm) to prevent excessive flame, smoking, and soot.

5. Burn on Heat-Resistant Surface: Always place the candle on a heat-resistant, non-flammable surface to protect your furniture.

6. Avoid Drafts: Keep the candle away from drafts, fans, and air currents to prevent uneven burning, dripping, and excessive flame.

7. Do Not Burn to the Bottom: Discontinue use when 1/2 inch (12 mm) of wax remains to prevent heat damage to surfaces and potential cracking of the container.

8. Extinguish Properly: Use a candle snuffer to extinguish the flame. Avoid blowing out the candle, as it can cause hot wax to splatter.

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