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District 78 Candle Care Kit


Luxury Soy Handmade Scented Candles Created by a woman and black owned company. Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils and fragrances will help you relax, unwind and create new memories.

District 78 Candle Care Kit

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District 78 Candle Care Kit


Candle care is an important part of enjoying our luxury candles. Care starts with trimming off the old part of the wick in between each burn, secondly, our snuffer will allow you to extinguish your wick, and finally, the wick retriever will safely allow you to pull the wick out of the wax.

Our District 78 Candle Care Kit will include a snuffer, wick trimmer, and wick retriever. All in matte black with engraved District 78 logo on tray and District 78 on the handle of each item.

All sales final

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Candle Care Kits includes snuffer, candle retriever and wick trimmer