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Plants + Decor

8 Inch or 10 inch Snake Plant- in store pick up

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Screen Shot 2020-05-19 at 5.00.32 PM.png
Sold Out

8 Inch or 10 inch Snake Plant- in store pick up

from $45.00

All 8in and 10in snake plants can now be pre-ordered. This will allow you to ensure you have your favorite plants! These plants are not only beautiful but fairly easy to take care of and maintain. The Sansevieria Laurentii is pictured in the wicker basket, with green leaves trimmed in yellow. The Sansevieria trifasciata is pictured in the concrete pot with all green leaves. Please choose with plant you want.

NASA has included the snake plant as one of its Air Purifying plants!

Please note this plants is only available for in-store pick up. Please see our policy before ordering.

** Please note you will receive an email when your order is ready for pick up or delivery** 

***Wicker Basket/Concrete Pot NOT included, you’re purchasing plant only***

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