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Before You Let Go! Let's Upcycle your candle jar

Erikka Gray

I’ve had quite a few people ask me the best way to up-cycle their glass candle jars. I want to share a few of my favorite tips.

If your a plant lover this idea is for you, you can check out the short video and final product on my Instagram here.

Before you get started you will need to:

  1. Clean out your jar, by removing the metal wicks with a butter knife or a flat edge that can fit in the base of the jar. Once the wicks are removed.

  2. Place the jar in the microwave or use a blow dryer to heat the wax. Once the once is warm use a paper towel and rubbing alcohol to remove the wax from the jar.

  3. Now you will need a small starter plant, I used a succulent for mine.

  4. Then follow the instructions on how to properly get your plant started in your old candle jar. A quick google search will normally advise you of the proper potting soil to us.

  5. Enjoy!