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District 78 Candle Shoot

Erikka Gray

Recently we did a photoshoot for District 78. I wanted to capture the essence of how candles add to the moment. Candles help us create new memories and set the mood. This shoot was the first of a series where my goal will be to highlight the moment with a variety of people that have impacted my brand and life so far.

I personally curated the mood to reflect the feelings that i get when I’m able to celebrate with family and friends. Thank you to everyone involved that dedicated a portion of their day to make this happen. My goal was to use vintage, family heirloom and a collection on African American decor that represent the brand and the inspiration behind many of my fragrances.

All photos shot by Christina owner of 33 West Studio. Makeup by Brittany with the Brushes. My hair was done by HAIRKITCHEN