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The Frida

Erikka Gray

The Story behind Frida…

In 2020 I was trying to think about two new candles to introduce, I came up with Frida and The Baldwin.

The Frida was inspired by my time living in Phoenix, AZ. Since moving back to Cincinnati I’ve always dreamed of moving back to PHX. It’s just always been something so beautiful and peaceful about living in PHX. Most people couldn’t stand the heat, but I loved the heat and the palm trees.

One of my favorites trips back to PHX was in 2017. I had traveled to PHX for my wife's birthday with a few friends who had never been to PHX or Sedona ( my second favorite place in Arizona). We had such an amazing time, enjoying the company of friends and family that live in PHX. We attended a Frida Kahlo exhibit that was just amazing. Her story is so interesting, just like the Frida candle. It's not what you would expect!

I took the memories that I created that week and held onto them for three years until I could properly capture them into a scent! So in 2020 I finally created a combination that I was proud of, the combination of notes makes me reflect on sampling mezcal, drinking margaritas, hiking in Sedona, and watching the sunset over camelback mountains.

If you haven't had the opportunity to experience Frida, I encourage you to submerge yourself in the journey.

What place gives you the best memories?
