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Top 3 Best Sellers


Luxury Soy Handmade Scented Candles Created by a woman and black owned company. Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils and fragrances will help you relax, unwind and create new memories.

Top 3 Best Sellers


Top 3 Best Sellers


Here are the 3 best sellers of 2023

Black Paradise-BLACK PARADISE is inspired by love, expression, travel, opulence, and the dream to be seen and felt. The perfect candle to unwind and allow your mind and soul to travel to a paradise where you feel seen and loved for your contribution to the world.

Notes are: Top Notes: Toasted coconut, musk, plum, Middle Notes: Coriander, Orange Base Notes: Sandalwood

Slate-Slate can be described as a cloudy day, it’s somewhere between the colors blue and gray. I created this scent on a day when there was overcast, but a beautiful day nonetheless. It’s a reflective scent that makes me slow down and take it all in. Slate has notes of frankincense, oud, and Amber

Coconut + Pineapple -Coconut+Pineapple are two of my favorite foods ever. So after coming home from vacation in Bali I created a scented candle to always remind me of how beautiful the ocean can be, especially while enjoying fresh coconut and pineapple. This candle captures some of my time in Bali, enjoying the ocean, people, and food.

All candles are, vegan and phthalate free.

Please allow 10-14 business days for shipping

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