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1-Grapefruit + Sage The Beginning


1-Grapefruit + Sage The Beginning

Erikka Gray

“The Grapefruit + Sage Candle was a gift for our wedding guest when we got married”-Brittani and Erikka Gray 

“The Grapefruit + Sage Candle was a gift for our wedding guest when we got married”-Brittani and Erikka Gray 


Each candles has a story, let’s start from the beginning with the first Signature scent, Grapefruit + Sage. Back in 2015 ,Brittani and I had no idea what to give our guest for our August wedding. Months prior I had given up on candle making because they really sucked. So I had lots of candle making supplies left that we could use to make candles for our guest.  So our wedding party got together to help me pour 150+ candles. Grapefruit + Sage was the perfect scent for a late summer wedding. The tanginess and citrus of the grapefruit paired with the ceremonial uses of Sage- this was the perfect scent and set the tone for what I considered a perfect wedding day!

As I prepared for the lifestyle shoot for District 78, I knew 1-Grapefruit +Sage would be one of the candles we shot. Our goal with this candle was to capture my wife in her zone preparing for her day.  We were also able to get a shot of us together, definitely one of my favorites!

Want to hear more about the inspiration for the clothing and hair for the shoot? Check out our YouTube page for more with Imani Smith, stylist and Brittani Gray, hairstylist. We talked about their inspiration for the shoot. Just a moment of caution- I’m no video editor soooooo watch at your own risk!  We’re working on improving! Here’s the link

Candle Bae,
