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New Year New Memories

Erikka Gray

The First Week of the New Year Has Passed: How Are You Staying Intentional and On Track With Your Goals?

As the first week of the new year comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to pause and reflect: Are you staying intentional and aligned with the goals you set for yourself? The excitement of a fresh start can often give way to the demands of everyday life, making it easy to lose focus. But staying on track doesn’t have to feel overwhelming—it starts with creating the right environment and mindset.

Revisit Your Intentions

Take a moment to revisit the goals and intentions you set at the start of the year. Are they still resonating with you? Have new priorities surfaced? Journaling your thoughts can help you gain clarity and ensure your actions remain aligned with your long-term vision.

Create a Calm and Focused Space

Setting aside intentional time in a calming space is essential for staying focused. Your environment plays a big role in your mindset and productivity. Here are some ways to create a space that nurtures your goals:

  • Light a Candle That Matches Your Intentions:

    • For Energy and Focus: Burn our ALIGN Candle, a refreshing blend of rosemary and sage, to create a clear, invigorating atmosphere perfect for planning and productivity.

    • For Relaxation and Reflection: Try our Fig Tree Candle, with its spa-like aroma, to help you unwind and recharge.

    • For Romance or Connection: Set the mood with Slate, a luxurious mix of frankincense, oud, and amber, perfect for nurturing meaningful connections.

  • Smudge With Sage or Palo Santo: Clear the energy in your space to invite positivity and focus.

  • Bring Your Journal: Use this time to reflect on your progress, make adjustments, or map out the next steps toward your goals.

Harness the Power of Scent to Stay Motivated

Scent is a powerful tool for grounding your intentions and boosting your mood. Associating specific fragrances with your goals can help you build new habits and create lasting memories. For example:

  • When you light ALIGN, let its herbaceous blend remind you to focus and stay productive.

  • When you light Fig Tree, allow its soothing aroma to transport you to a place of peace and relaxation, reminding you to prioritize self-care.

Tips to Stay Intentional All Year Long

  1. Schedule Regular Check-Ins: Set aside time weekly or monthly to assess your progress and refine your goals.

  2. Create a Ritual: Light your favorite candle, sip on tea, and spend a few moments reflecting or journaling.

  3. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge the progress you’ve made, no matter how small.

The first week of the year is just the beginning. Staying intentional is a practice that grows stronger with time. By creating a calming environment and embracing rituals that support your goals, you can stay motivated and aligned with your vision for the year ahead.

What intentions are you focusing on this year? Let us know in the comments, and explore our candle collection to find the perfect scent to inspire your journey!

Shop Our Intention-Setting Collection