Imani Smith
The term ‘wearing your heart on your sleeve’ is much more than a figure of speech.
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The term ‘wearing your heart on your sleeve’ is much more than a figure of speech.
Read More2019 has been off to a fast start. I can’t wait for you to check out my 2nd episode, featuring my wife Brittani. We took time to talk about her new initiative Girls Health Period, FUPA Love Circle and of course hair.
You can check out our interview here https://youtu.be/nsgr0_JZZnM
To find out more about her work and initiatives you can visit her online at www.theehairkitchen.com and on IG @hairkitchen or @fupalovecircle
Welcome to 2019, I’m excited to share the first episode of season 2! Please share your thoughts. Please checkout our video here
Big Mood
The next three Elements of Style that I’m detailing today are imperative to the development and maintenance of a wardrobe that is both visually appealing and effective...
Read MoreHair is treated differently in every culture. Hair Length may mean strength and royalty, colored hair can be meant to show off personality, even covered hair can represent sacred religious beliefs. Your tresses showcase you without language. So why is it that most people don’t put more attention into their coif? Let’s go down memory lane.
You may remember that girl or guy in high school whose mom/dad was a hairstylist/barber and their hair was impeccable everyday. And all you and your mom could do were “twisties or braids”, or tried to pick that matted afro into something. Your parentals barely knew what a regular appointment at the salon/barbershop meant. Look back on how that made you feel. Most of us would say, “I didn’t look my best,because my parents and I didnt know what to do with my hair.”
And right there(teachable moment)
With the lack of knowledge and the negative feelings that were produced about your hair at a young age, it has now transferred to you as an adult. And the current presentation of your hair is somewhere stuck between “oh I saw this on YouTube I think it looks ok” and the Year you got the most holla!” What most men and women don’t realize that your hair can be stopping you from a promotion, networking, dating, or even a healthy self- esteem. This is prime time to hit the restart button!!! Seek help from a professional stylist that cares about your inner beauty as well as the outer.
Stylists that study their craft can highlight the beautiful attributes of your face and personality. And just because you have been with yourself for the last 20+ or however many years, it doesn’t mean you really know what looks good on you. Create a open trusting relationship with a stylist to get great results. Over time, as the lines of communication open up, your stylist can design a style that truly compliments You!!! Now get out there and Be your best self!
For for more information or to book a consultation, contact me below.
Brittani Gray
Stylist and Owner of Hairkitchen LLC
Work: 5132273828
Website: www.theehairkitchen.com
Somewhere in Brooklyn
Wow, I’m still on a high from how successful Queen City Noire inaugural event at Revel was. We had a great turn out, awesome vibes and perfect weather. I’m already looking forward to our fall curated market.
We had such great feedback and many of our shoppers saw the value in supporting a market that was focused on under represented business owners.
As we get prepared for our next curated event check out some pictures from our event on Saturday May 5th held at Revel.
Photo credit to Jason Carter @jcarter3492
Imani Smith
Hello again and thanks for checking out the second installment of Elements of Style. In part 1 I explored what I deem to be the internal elements of style: a sense of self and confidence. Knowing exactly who you are, remembering to take inventory of your regularly evolving opinions and preferences and loving yourself are the keys to mastering those internal elements of style. Maintaining your sense of self and your confidence are both full time jobs that never end. Although invisible, these elements are vital. Paying your electricity bill is no fun, but you reap the benefits of doing so every single day. Being confident and self-aware is exactly the same concept: you have to pay the cost to be the boss.
In this segment, I will discuss two additional elements of style. These elements are external and are just as important as the internal ones. When you examine your wardrobe and determine which pieces actually fit well and serve your lifestyle needs, you may realize that you have considerably less than what you thought you had. After you determine what needs to stay and what needs to be removed from your closet, it’s time to breathe new life into your wardrobe. When you feel that you’re ready to start shopping, the following external elements of style should be considered.
When it comes to shopping, it’s important to understand that clothing isn’t always designed with YOUR particular body type in mind. That doesn’t mean that your body is the problem, it simply means that your garments may need to be altered. It’s just that simple! Don’t take it personally if a pair of jeans doesn’t fit you right off the rack. If alterations aren’t in your budget, try shopping at a different store. The sizes of mass produced clothing vary so drastically from brand to brand that it’s almost unbelievable. If it fits you properly, is well made and you like the way that it looks there’s no sense in getting caught up in the size of your clothing. Never let anything as trivial as numbers on a tag define your self-worth.
In regard to clothing, it is also important to understand that fashion is cyclical. This means that everything old eventually becomes new again (whether we want it to or not). When applying this logic to the process of cultivating your personal style, it’s important to understand that a well-rounded wardrobe contains both classic AND trendy pieces.
Knowing the difference between what is classic and what is trendy is vital when it comes to style. Do you ever notice that you see some of the same prints or cuts year after year? Think classic khaki trench coats in spring or tartan plaid scarves in winter. Some things never go out of style, and those are classics. Classics that you can effortlessly work into your looks year after year are the secret to a well-rounded wardrobe that does all of the hard work for you. It’s important to invest in good quality basics because you know that you’ll be getting your money’s worth if you continue to turn to them time and time again.
Trendy pieces are fun and a great way to freshen up your look with a contemporary twist. If you’re in the beginning stages of revamping your wardrobe, it may not be the wisest decision to invest in a trendy piece that will be looking dated within 6 months. I would advise spending a little less on those impractical items that you can only see yourself wearing only a few times in one or two specific settings. Just imagine if you spent $1,000 on a pair of Kanye inspired striped aviator sunglasses back in 2007.
Keep in mind that fashion changes constantly. That’s what makes it so much fun! Your style is how you choose to incorporate fashion into your everyday life. Stylish people don’t always have to follow every trend, and following every new trend doesn’t always equate to stylishness. Create a balanced look by combining your trendier pieces with your tried-and-true basics for an individual yet timeless feel.
The second external element of style is developing an understanding of quality versus quantity. Would you rather have a closet overflowing with dated, ill fitting, cheaply made pieces OR a curated selection of pieces perfectly suited for your lifestyle needs that you can’t wait to wear? I hope the latter was more captivating. Having too many clothes can become overwhelming. A high quantity of clothing, shoes and accessories does not directly translate to a high quality of style.
If something no longer fits you properly, is damaged beyond repair or hasn’t been worn in over a year that item no longer serves your wardrobe and it must go. It’s easy to hold onto something for sentimental reasons, or because you love it or even because it was an expensive purchase. All of those reasons lose their meaning when every time you challenge yourself with the task of getting dressed you find that you have ‘nothing to wear.’ Don’t be afraid to let things go! Fill your wardrobe with well- constructed pieces that will serve you over a long period of time. Working with a stylist can help you determine what kinds of pieces are essentials to a well-rounded wardrobe.
Working with a personal stylist isn’t just for the rich and famous, style is for everyone! In the spirit of normalizing the concept of working with a stylist, I asked one of my clients to outline her experience with working with me. Marchè Gendrew is a social worker and graduate student who was in need of a wardrobe overhaul. After an initial consultation to discuss her needs and expectations, we spent hours sorting through her wardrobe and determining which pieces should stay and which ones needed to go. After she was left with only a few essentials that served her current lifestyle and mindset, we had two personal shopping sessions. Here are her thoughts on the experience:
What made you want to start the wardrobe overhaul process?
Marchè: I’m in a place where I want my clothes to reflect how I feel. I’ve lost over 25 lbs and nothing in my closet fit nor was for me anymore. I’ve had many of those pieces for years and it was time for them to go.
How were you feeling throughout the process?
Marchè: It was an easy transition for me. Although, after I didn’t have anything left (after the purge) I got worried but Imani assured me that it was ok. She gave me advice on how to shop moving forward- most importantly to go through everything, take my time and to select solid pieces.
What did you take away from the experience?
Marchè: Not to be afraid to take chances with my wardrobe and that I look great in stripes!
If you’ve entered a new chapter in your life, maybe it’s time to consider updating your wardrobe to reflect the new you. Working with a personal stylist is as easy as scheduling a consultation. Remember, with a strong personal style, anything is possible.
Imani Smith
ImaniSmith.FolioHD.com StyledByImaniS@gmail.com
The Connector
When my dad passed in 2015, i didn't know much about him. He wasn't in my life much but at the time of his funeral I heard so many wonderful things about him that I knew were passed down to me.
One word that keep coming up from his friends and family was " Connector", at that moment my wife looked over at me and said now I know where you get that friendly spirit from. Its true " I've never met a stranger in my life". And I love to connect with people and hear their why. This tidbit does have something to do with candle making!
Back to talking about candles! So yeah the Whiskey+ Amber is the connector candle, its the ultimate conversation starter and I've also said this is the dinner party scent. Whiskey + Amber truly sets the tone for an intimate gathering. When I create scents I envision how the candle should be displayed. I think about the lighting or the end table it will sit on. Or maybe the fireplace mantel would be better. I had the fireplace in mind when I created this scent. I think it was released in October just all fall was approaching, so has a combination of cozy, deep and rich fragrances.
Whiskey + Amber is the signature scent for District 78, and its perfect to me. The unlikely scents that are neither masculine or feminine make this the perfect candle for anyone who like deep earthy scents with just a hint of sweetness for the base notes. You can purchase the candle here.
I shot the images for this candle in two very different looks, I wanted to do like an alter ego type photo. One look that shows the serious business Erikka and another more casual look. You can find out more about each look on our blog, click here.
Life is full of moments that will make you laugh! Don’t be afraid to laugh until it hurts
I specifically remember everything about creating Basil + Lavender. It felt like I had tested over 29 scents before I found one that I like. Once I created this scent I knew I has something special. I was stressed out and feeling depressed over the closing of my store and I felt like I needed something to keep me calm and bring me comfort. Once I perfected the scent I burned it everyday all day, and I still do. It was something about the unlikely mixture of the scents that just worked.
Basil + Lavender is my everyday go to scent. When I working, listening to music or creating new scent for clients I always get started with #8.
For the photoshoot my goal was to show Lauren in her natural state with her Music and her guitar. It was the easiest shot to get through because the vibe was so natural. I think the pictures speak for themselves.
If you haven’t tried 8-Basil + Lavender I encourage you to give it a try!
Take a moment to catch up on the inspiration behind the shoot on our YouTube channel! We look forward to your feedback! We also talked about staying calm and keeping good energy around you. How do you stay calm and keep good energy around you.
Black Spice is all about sensuality and connection. When I was coming up with a new scent my goal was to create a new scent that represented that intimate human connection. 7-Black Spice has taken on its own persona. One of the surprising elements of this scent is plum. Plum adds that unexpected sweetness that gently tones down the strength of the base notes of Amber.
Brandon Brown and Lauren Eylise photographed by Pixxel Design for District 78
For the shoot we wanted to portray intimacy and we captured that on multiple levels. From the lighting to the positioning the photos came out amazing. Huge thank you to both Lauren and Brandon for making this work. You’d never know they just met!
Find out more about the inspiration behind the looks and hair on my YouTube channel.
More on what’s going on with Lauren Eylise can be found on her Instagram page. You can catch her performing at the Cincinnati Funk Fest on April 27. Check out her most recent release Life/Death/Life on all streaming platforms.
You can follow Brandon on Instagram.
Candle Bae aka Your favorite VIRGO
Imani Smith
I am Imani Smith and I’ve been a freelance wardrobe stylist in the Greater Cincinnati area since 2011. Self-expression is the cornerstone of my life, and my favorite way to express myself is through my personal style. My personal style consists of so much more than just clothing, it’s everything from the art in my home, to the gift wrap that I choose, down to the color of my nails. Style is serious business. It’s not always the easiest concept to grasp, especially if you’re not a stylist by trade. Of the numerous dictionary definitions of the word style, I prefer to focus on “a distinctive manner or custom of behaving or conducting oneself.”
Respected celebrity stylist and designer Rachel Zoe’s observation of style is often quoted at cliché levels: “Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak”. Clichés only become clichés if they are true, and this quote fits the bill. As we all know, fashion is a billion dollar industry. You can very easily spend your entire Saturday afternoon (and paycheck) at your local mall and become an instant consumer of fashion. Unlike fashion, style is not something that can be purchased. In order to develop and maintain a strong sense of style, it takes a little work. If you’re interested in putting together more cohesive and impactful looks for yourself, follow my high-level guide to the elements of style.
In the following segment, I’m going to discuss the internal elements of style. If you want a plant to grow, you must nourish its roots. Your style is no different. Everything you have going on internally reflects in your outward appearance. In my personal and professional opinion, the strengthening of one’s personal style is a process that begins inside.
This first element of style is one of the most fundamental: a sense of self. Who are you? Who do you want to let people know that you are? How do you feel? Your sense of self can be determined in a number of ways. In my opinion, maintaining a sense of self is about simply checking in with yourself on a regular basis, and knowing who you are. It’s easy to assume that you prefer a certain color or style of dress, and think that those preferences are the end all, be all. If you haven’t checked in with yourself recently, or asked yourself what your current thoughts and feelings are, your opinions may have changed. With the passage of time, we all have new experiences which often result in a change of perspective. With all of your new growth and perspective, you may find yourself feeling differently about things you may have scoffed at in the past. Stay in touch with yourself because you might learn something new!
The second element of style transcends clothing. Confidence impacts every single facet of our lives. When you hear people throw around the term ‘pulling it off’ it’s a direct reference to confidence. With uncertainty, fear and shame comes an overall lack of confidence. True confidence is built on a foundation of high self-esteem and unconditional love for oneself. This means loving your body, your quirks and even the things that you wish you could change about yourself. You don’t have to like everything about yourself, but you do have to love everything about yourself- it’s what makes you, you. Confidence doesn’t just appear overnight, nor can it be purchased, contrary to popular belief. If you’re currently low on general confidence, building confidence in your wardrobe is an easy place to start.
Building confidence can begin with making a series of small choices (do you like the red sweater or the green sweater better?) and being comfortable with those choices. When observing your choices, they become preferences. Being aware of your preferences contributes to your sense of self. A strong sense of self enables you to be more decisive. Decisiveness when styling yourself is the most direct route to ‘pulling it off’. When each component of your look is a piece that you chose because you loved it, you can be confident that your style is all your own.
What’s most important to take from these first two elements is that there is no style without individuality. YOU are the focal point of each look. Another crucial factor in finding, cultivating or revamping your personal style is a bit of vulnerability. You must open yourself up to new cuts, colors and materials. There’s a big world of fashion out there just waiting to be styled!
If you ask everyone in your circle what style means to them, you’ll probably get a variety of responses. If you ask what style means to me, my answer will be: everything. I genuinely believe that having an understanding of these particular elements of style will help to guide you in the right direction when it comes to embarking on your journey of strengthening your own personal style. Believe it or not, your journey is already in progress! If you’re not pleased with your current location, check in with yourself. If you’re lacking inspiration or want to explore new avenues of self-expression, consult with a personal stylist for direction to your desired destination. Stylish people are never afraid to ask for help when they need it!
On a personal level, I understand that some of these concepts may come across as foreign or even irrelevant. Sometimes, it may seem inconceivable to make the time to focus on style. The thought of gutting your wardrobe, changing your mindset and starting over completely may even overwhelm you. As a stylist, I’m here to assure you that under the guidance of an experienced professional and with an openness to change, all of your style goals can be easily met or exceeded. Don’t have any style goals? Maybe it’s time to create some! If your wardrobe is no longer meeting your needs or if you’re in the market for personal style services, all it takes to get the ball rolling is a consultation. As we all know, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Imani Smith
“The Grapefruit + Sage Candle was a gift for our wedding guest when we got married”-Brittani and Erikka Gray
Each candles has a story, let’s start from the beginning with the first Signature scent, Grapefruit + Sage. Back in 2015 ,Brittani and I had no idea what to give our guest for our August wedding. Months prior I had given up on candle making because they really sucked. So I had lots of candle making supplies left that we could use to make candles for our guest. So our wedding party got together to help me pour 150+ candles. Grapefruit + Sage was the perfect scent for a late summer wedding. The tanginess and citrus of the grapefruit paired with the ceremonial uses of Sage- this was the perfect scent and set the tone for what I considered a perfect wedding day!
As I prepared for the lifestyle shoot for District 78, I knew 1-Grapefruit +Sage would be one of the candles we shot. Our goal with this candle was to capture my wife in her zone preparing for her day. We were also able to get a shot of us together, definitely one of my favorites!
Want to hear more about the inspiration for the clothing and hair for the shoot? Check out our YouTube page for more with Imani Smith, stylist and Brittani Gray, hairstylist. We talked about their inspiration for the shoot. Just a moment of caution- I’m no video editor soooooo watch at your own risk! We’re working on improving! Here’s the link.
Candle Bae,
Oh Hey!
It’s a few years late but this is my formal introduction. I’m Erikka, every time I’m asked why I have 2K’s I get a different story from my mom- so make up your own. My journey to District 78 has been in the making since I was a kid.
Growing up in Columbus I always loved clothing and having unique stuff in my room. I’ve always been heavily inspired by music, partying, playing cards, mid century furniture, plants and Black culture magazines. Hella random stuff right!?
My grandmother has always been my inspiration when it comes to having a comfortable home, she loved planting flowers and having flowers around. My mom has always kept a lively house, with lots of music and good food, creating an atmosphere to entertain family and friends. My mom is the funniest, get it done person I know. She's who I aspire to be-funny, giving and the turn up queen.
District 78 started as Vintage Goods & Design, selling vintage clothing online and at outdoor markets. After a fast start District 78 opened a brick and mortar store in a June 2013. Our focus was vintage clothing, art and home decor. But something was missing so in 2015 I started producing candles as a way to express myself through scent. Scent is one of the most powerful of the 5 senses. I wanted to bring unique scents into people’s lives that would create new memories, like scent has done for me. Candle making is like telling a store without words. In 2016 I decided to close the store to focus on candle making.
Since then our candle line has taken off and I couldn’t be happier to re-launch District 78 as a lifestyle brand. My goal is to provide product and content that adds to your daily lives. We look forwards to growing and building the District 78 lifestyle experience.
Over the next few months we look to add even more product to our site and engage with our audience through our Candle & Conversation episodes,which you can find here.
Your Favorite Virgo
“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” -Paulo Coelho”